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Things You Should Never Do If Arrested


Being arrested is terrifying and it is easy to feel intimidated by law enforcement. You might not know how to react or what you should or should not say during this time. As a rule of thumb, remember that you should always remain silent and comply with what the arresting officers tell you to do to avoid making the situation potentially worse.

Additionally, if you arrested, it is imperative that you do not do any of the following:

  • Run: No matter how innocent you are, running away will be interpreted as guilt and, moreover, it will only lead to a squad of law enforcement officers chasing you on foot or, if you are in a vehicle, you will suddenly find yourself in a high-speed chase. You will benefit much more from remaining calm and staying right where you are.
  • Talk your way out of it: This is often everyone’s first instinct. Obviously, if you believe there has been a terrible mistake you will want to convince the police of your innocence. However, generally, the more you speak, the more trouble you will get yourself into.
  • Give consent to a search: When a police officer asks to search you or your property, they are doing so because they need consent for the search to be legal. Without your consent, any evidence that is obtained will likely be thrown out. Do yourself a favor and politely decline to give consent. They might pressure you and attempt to convince you that consenting is in your best interests, but it is your right to refuse, so use it.
  • Invite law enforcement officers in your home or step outside: Unless the officers have a warrant, you should refuse any requests to enter your home. Again, make sure you are polite. Being rude will not make things easier.
  • Resist arrest: Even if you believe you are being wrongfully arrested, you must never resist arrest. Doing so can result in injury to you and you might even be charged with assaulting an officer. Comply with the officer’s instructions, remain silent, and contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you say anything or provide any statements until you have access to skilled legal representation.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney

If you were arrested, you should not hesitate to obtain legal representation as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected. At the Law Office of Steven Fine, our Chicago criminal defense attorney has over 20 years of experience and is dedicated to pursuing the best possible outcome on behalf of every client he serves. Our defense lawyer handles a variety of cases, including drug crimes, weapons crimes, violent crimes, and more.

Get the representation you deserve and call our office at (312) 436-0638 to schedule your free initial case evaluation with our criminal defense attorney.
