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Protect Your Rights with a Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer


If you believe today's police dramas on TV, the very act of hiring a lawyer is tantamount to an admission of guilt. How many times have we seen those scenes play out? A devious suspect requests an attorney, sending no-nonsense police detectives storming out of the interrogation room complaining that yet another suspect has "lawyered up" on them?

But TV is one thing, and real life is another. Asking for legal representation is not suspicious, and it's not a clever tactic used by criminals with something to hide--it's your right.

An experienced criminal lawyer becomes an invaluable asset when you are accused of wrongdoing, especially in a city like Chicago where the authorities don't always play by the rules.

According to research carried out by The Chicago Reporter, a nonprofit watchdog group which has investigated matters of racism and social inequality in the city since 1972, Chicago police paid out a staggering $54.2 million in misconduct settlements in 2014. Settlements were awarded to victims who accused the police of a number of indefensible acts, including illegal searches, excessive force and false arrests.

In the United States, you are innocent until proven guilty. A good criminal defense attorney will aggressively protect your rights and ensure you receive fair treatment under the law.

The Law Office of Steven Fine has successfully defended clients against charges including DUI, drug offenses, theft, assault, illegal weapons possession and murder. Whatever the charge, if you have been accused of committing a crime, we should be your first call.

Contact us today for a free consultation.